Industry Standard Bias Lighting
Industry Standard Bias Lighting
MediaLight & LX1 Length Calculator
Please select the appropriate options below to determine the correct size bias lighting for your displays
What is the aspect ratio of the display?
What is the size of the display (This is the length of its diagonal measurement)
Do you want to place the lights on 3 or 4 sides of the display (Read our recommendation on this page MediaLight & LX1 Length Calculator if you are having trouble deciding).
This is the actual length that is required:
You should round up to this size bias light (you can round down at your discretion if the actual and rounded measurements are very close. It is usually better to have more than too little):
This is where we tell you that you probably don't need this accessory. Please note: The USB power enhancer does not make bias lights brighter. Its...
View full detailsIf you have a device that only has USB-C ports, this adapter will connect your MediaLight to your device. Perfect for Apple displays and iMacs.